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Become a KY Farm Share Coalition Farm


Demand for workplace CSA is growing and the coalition is accepting applications from CSA farms interested in being a part of this wellness program. Once approved, new farms will be able to participate in the following growing season as a formal partner farm. Farmers interested to get started, contact us today to learn more: or 502-219-7378. 


To being the application process, a CSA farm must submit a full Farm Endorsement Application and have a farm visit conducted by members of the Kentucky Farm Share's Endorsement Committee. The application and interview process assesses the farm's production history, current resources, compliance with food safety regulations and administrative capacity to consistently provide quality produce and a positive experience for their CSA members.


KYFSC Endorsed Farms grow 100% of the produce CSA items on the farm, are USDA certified organic (or in documented transition to organic certification), have operated a CSA for a minimum of three years and demonstrate an ability to provide a high level of customer service. 


Kentucky Farm Share partner farms enjoy the benefits of gaining new CSA members through workplace partnerships, additional CSA promotion by the coalition, and being a part of a CSA farmer network that shares educational resources and peer-to-peer support.   


Training & Educational Resources 

Kentucky Farm Share Coalition is a farmer-led wellness program administered by the Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK). The organization also provides tools and resources to Kentucky farmers interested in learning more about organic farming methods, organic certification and connecting with a farmer peer network. Learn more about OAK's farmer programs and join us! 

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Attend a field day to learn about best organic practices on production topics from other area farmers.


Consult with an organic expert and understand what steps you need to take to become certified organic.  

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Kentucky's organic farmer gathering with  workshops and speakers for production farmers

CSA Publications & Links
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For CSA Farmers

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